If you own any Grundy County reference books, whether listed or not, and will do look-ups, please let me know. As you can see, more volunteers are needed.
Please read the following before asking for a lookup:
USGenWeb does not wish to be party to any copyright violations. Lookup requests should be limited to one name, or perhaps two if it is a married couple. Information given will be minimal, for example if it is a cemetery lookup, the information will be the name of the cemetery and the dates on the headstone. Please do not ask for "everybody with X surname" or an entire family group, or for hardcopies to be mailed; the volunteers have been asked not to comply with such requests. If you feel there is enough material in the book to warrant it, you may ask the volunteer how you might purchase your own copy.
If you see a book or other materials listed for lookups for which you hold the copyright, and you do not want it used, please notify the county coordinator and it will be removed.
When requesting a lookup from one of our volunteers, please:
1. Include your 'snail mail' address in the inquiry.
2. Put "Grundy County Lookup" in the subject line of your message.
3. Capitalize all surnames.

- The Eighteenth Missouriby Leslie Anders which gives the history of this unit during the Civil War. The 18th's nucleus for recruitment was Putnam County, Missouri, but the recruiting area also encompassed Grundy County.
- The History of Grundy County, Missouri by Birdsall & Dean c 1881
- Centennial Celebration, Spickard, Missouri 1871-1971
- The Community of Spickard, Missouri - 125 years of History 1871-1996
- The Mildred Crutcher Scrap Book It has about 800 obituaries along with weddings, births, etc. It is indexed by dates, so I will need the year or approximate year of the event to do a lookup.
More lookup resources are needed! Please join in!
Larry Flesher , Washington County, MO
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This page was last updated 23 February 2004